It Won’t Cost You Much


Hey, Mr. Johnson on TV
To say we’re doing splendidly
Get boosted now is his new catchphrase
But you’ve only got a few days
But there’s no LFTs as such
It won’t cost you much

I’ve not told the NHS
I suppose they know what’s best
If not, see your local spiv
Flow test – half price here

Private Walker pimps his gear
At the conservative club here
Boris never thought it through
What a surprise, what can you do?

Dumber, dumber, dumb, dumb
Dumber, dumber, dumb
Dumber, dumb, dumb, dumber, dumb
Dumber, dumber, dumb
Dumber, dumber, dumb, dumb
Dumber, dumber, dumb
Dumber, dumb, dumb, dumber, dumb
Dumber, dumber, dumb
Yet another crappy Christmas


see also:

Where Do Santa’s Reindeer Shit?


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