Now night, that’s cunzied chief for fun,
Is wi’ her usual rites begun;
Thro’ ilka gate the torches blaze,
And globes send out their blinkin rays.
The usefu’ cadie plies in street,
To bide the profits o’ his feet;
For by thir lads Auld Reikie’s fock
Ken but a sample o’ the stock
O’ thieves, that nightly wad oppress,
And mak baith goods and gear the less.
Near him the lazy chairman stands,
And wats na how to turn his hands;
Till some daft birky, ranting fu’,
Has matters somewhare else to do;
The chairman willing gi’es his light
To deeds o’ darkness and o’ night.
It’s never saxpence for a lift
That gars thir lads wi’ fu’ness rift;
For they wi’ better gear are paid,
And whores and culls support their trade.
Near some lamp-post, wi’ dowy face,
Wi’ heavy ein, and sour grimace,
Stands she that beauty lang had kend,
Whoredom her trade, and vice her end.
But see whare now she wins her bread
By that which Nature ne’er decreed;
And vicious ditties sings to please
Fell Dissipation’s votaries.
Whane’er we reputation lose,
Fair chastity’s transparent gloss!
Redemption seenil kens the name,
But a’s black misery and shame.
Stands she that beauty lang had kend,
Whoredom her trade, and vice her end.
But see whare now she wins her bread
By that which Nature ne’er decreed;
And vicious ditties sings to please
from the album Auld Reikie available from all good and bad streaming services including:
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