
Six Months Ago

  Six months ago If I had troubles then I do not know Now it seems my brain got far too slow Oh, memory loss came … what’s the word? SUDDENLY … C-19, C-19…  …

I Am The Misconception

  Down, down, I’ll bring you down I’m typing bollocks And conspiracies on twitter now Stone me, why can’t you see You should be trashing masts and blaming 5G And Bill Gates Don’t waste your…

It All Now

  Everytime you hear this song You have to tell everyone Or else the joke doesn’t work at all ‘I’ve heard it all now’ you can say Cos that’s the title. Type away. I’ve heard…

Is That Covid?

  I can’t be arsed doing anything, Now is that covid? I’m shit at snooker and dancing, Now is that covid? The sweater, sweater, sweatier I get The more that I forget If that is…

Benefits Cut For Mr Kite

  Benefits cut for Mr Kite And anyone else who shows they might Be able to put on a show Universal accreditation Is henceforth withdrawn Across the entire circus portfolio We really don’t care if…

Six Months Later

In a world where nothing is normal anymore, The Meatless have come back after six months in isolation to update some old tunes with original new (very short) versions. Track listing: Six Months Ago We’ve…

Moronic Couples Shopping Together

  They can’t walk out in public without letting go their hands Moronic couples shopping together They commandeer the pavement with their overactive glands Moronic couples shopping together They’re so in love they can’t be…

Save Scottish Comedy

  No Creative Scotland money For Scottish live comedy Why? Because they do not think comedy is art, It stinks to high heaven, aye When I played The Stand, I was proud Cos they’re not…