As Storm Ciara howls on, here’s a reminder of previous hoolies:
There’s a good old Scottish custom that has stood the test o’time,
It’s a custom that’s been carried out in every land and clime.
When ever there’s some weather, it’s aye the usual thing,
Just before it hits our shores, we fill our cups and sing…
Just a wee storm called Doris, just a wee storm, that’s all.
It couldnae even blow away a blowaway fitba.
There’s a trampoline that’s sittin by a wee but an ben.
That says, “I survived Hurricane Bawbag.”
Did ye, aye? Right, then.
I wish I was a prog rocker with powder up my nose
I’d write a concept album called When The Bawbag Blows
I’d turn it into an opera and sail it round the world
I wouldnae let a bit of wind stop it being unfurled
from the album Straight Bananas by Tommy Mackay
See also: Hurricane Bawbag:
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