Ally McCoist, Philosophy Master


The World Cup is in full swing and over on ITV the coverage features Ally McCoist co-commentating and giving us his views on philosophy and Russian literature. Sensationally stirring stuff….

Ally McCoist, Philosophy Master

Ally McCoist, philosophy master
Ally McCoist, och-aye
Ally McCoist, philosophy master
He’s a cultural guy

Now Ally McCoist is a commentator
On the World Cup in Russia
An expert on Kant and the literature
Of Maxim Gorsky, sir

I cannae wait for his next hot take
On Fyodor Dostoevsky
Or maybe Nijinski or maybe Stravinsky’s
The Rite of Spring

Ally McCoist, philosophy master
Ally McCoist, och-aye
Ally McCoist, philosophy master
He’s a cultural guy

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