

Every morning my alarm goes off at the back of six and I think
What the fuck is this?
Every morning I join the bus queue, look out for the bus and think
What the fuck is this?
Every day I’m sitting in an office and all that I can think is
What the fuck is this?
Every day I look at Twitter, sometimes Facebook and I think
What the fuck is this?

Existence. What a way to live a life
Existence. At least I’m not in Fife
Existence. Oh, it could be much worse
Existence. Call the midlife crisis nurse

Every day I hear the same clichés and anecdotes and think
What the fuck is this?
Every day I think tonight I’ll change my routine and I think
What the fuck is this?
Every day I think I think this every single day and I think
What the fuck is this?
Every night I watch a bunch of crap on T.V. and I think
What the fuck is this?

Existence. I’ve got things to buy
Existence. And I don’t know why
Existence. At least I’m fucking trying
Existence. There’s no exit. Only dying

Existence. Is it the same as essence?
Existence. Pay the bills, learn the lessons
Existence. Oh, it could be much worse.
Existence. Here’s another fucking verse

Existence. What the fuck IS this?
Existence. What the fuck is THIS?
Existence. What the FUCK is this?
Existence. WHAT THE FUCK is this?

Could you settle an argument?
Is life a lottery or a gas?
You asking me? Who do you fucking think I am?

I’d like to get to know myself
Before someone beats me to it
I’ve been trying
But other people have more luck
They can see right through me
I don’t know how they do it
Well I do
It’s obvious I don’t give a fuck

My social skills won’t pay my bills
I’m shallow with no soul
All I have is pills
Existence and Rock n Roll


from the album Pointless by Jean Paul Saltire. Listen here

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