The universe could undergo a catastrophic change
that could alter absolutely everything
You could say could for everything, it doesn’t alter anything
I could be juggling squirrels on a swing
But just suppose a catastrophic change was on its way
Would it make any difference anyway?
We’re already undergoing several catastrophic changes
So one more I’d like to see would be death rays
Oh come death rays
And fall on me
End of days
Set us free
O come all you nihilists and pessimists and grumblists
It is finally time to partay
Your day has come, or just begun, or over, or whatevever
Nothing matters, nothing matters anyway
Let us all rejoice, read Finnegans Wake by James Joyce
And pretend this all makes sense to fool ourselves
Into believing anything you think or say or do
Isn’t already up there on our bookshelves
based on this story
see also:
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