Better Yourself

Yet another lecturing from a government minister about how people should better themselves..

Go better yourself
Go better yourself
Send a letter to the editor and wet yerself

Go better yourself
Go better yourself
Not me baby I’m too precious go fetter yerself

Eat yerself better
Beat yerself fitter
Tweet yerself twitter

It’s not too late
No wait, wait, wait. It is.

Hardworking, aspirational,
Guff, guff

Waddya mean go better yerself
You better yerself
You better, you better, you get

You can get brainier
You can get get richer
Or get insania
None of which’ll

Make you better yerself
Go better yourself
Send a letter to the editor and wet yerself

Go better yourself
Go better yourself
Not me baby I’m too precious go fetter yerself

Go better yourself
Go better yourself
Or medicate your better amphetamine self

Go better yourself
Go better yourself
Met her on a Monday and I ketamineself

kssh kssh

Go Better together yerself

from the album Bam Glam by Tommy Mackay. Listen here

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