David Davis Eyes


Mention ‘impact assessments’ just once more
and I’ll more than likely kill you
Merkel, Merkel Angela Merkel
you fervently moan
is this a Pandora’s box I have unleashed
and have you seen Schrodinger’s cat?
Michael Gove’s head looks uncannily like a blancmange

And all those people who you romantically
like to  believe are on your side
are not
and they’ll wipe their snot on the arm of your chair
as you put another Jean-Claude Juncker poster on the wall

God I could straighten all the bananas
and I’d erect a giant Britannia on the white cliffs of Dover
or maybe Winston Churchill flicking the Vs at the French
and in fields of wheat we could carve Theresa May
suggesting we faint at her beauty
but she’s got David Davis eyes

And all those people who you romantically
like to believe are on your side
are not
and they’ll wipe their snot on the arm of your chair
as you put another Michel Barnier poster on the wall

And all those people who you romantically
like to believe are on your side
are not
and they’ll wipe their snot on the arm of your chair
as you put another Guy Verhofstadt poster on the wall

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