Malcolm Tucker Free!

After an intense Daily Reckless campaign including overnight candlelit vigils outside HMP Twitter, Malcolm Tucker is finally released.  A relieved Tucker had this to say:

Please Indulge Evasiveness Regarding Some
Manifestations Of Resistive Gibberish And Neologisms
When henceforth attempting To
Comprehensively Unpleasant Narcissistic Trumptards

Here is the campaign song wot dun it:


Free Malcolm Tucker
Free, free, free, free, free
Malcolm Tucker

He’s been banned from the twitter front
For calling Piers Morgan a cunt
It’s only the truth, there’s no argument
It really is an embarrassment
I said free Malcolm Tucker
I’m begging you, free Malcolm Tucker

Reporting Tucker’s Law is so arrogant
How could you be so ignorant?
I can still sing Trump is a cunt
And Piers is as bad as the government
Free Malcolm Tucker
I’m begging you, free Malcolm Tucker

Everybody out in the twittersphere
Are you so deaf that you cannot hear?
Are you so blind that you cannot see?
Are you so dumb that you cannot speak?
I said free Malcolm Tucker
I’m begging you, free Malcolm Tucker
Free Malcolm Tucker

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