BBC Shortbread

Sally Magnusson admits live on air on Reporting Scotland that ‘this is a complete mess.’ Everybody sing!

It’s couthy, it’s cringey
Embarrassing and twee
The Scottish news on the BBC
It’s like watching a toddler explain the news to strangers
It’s murder, it’s ‘think o’ the weans’
It’s Celtic and Rangers

BBC Shortbread
Kick it in the head
If you want a Scottish Six
Get some real journalists
Who could do the job instead

Oh look, it’s a film star
Let’s fawn on our knees
And ask them what they think of being in Dundee
Here’s a picture of some mountains that we’re always climbing up
And here’s Rod Stewart doing the draw for the Scottish Cup

And here’s the clip of Sally trying not to go completely radge (warning – contains noises of my cat in the background):

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