As another Budget dawns, we look back at when Gideon Osborne was in charge of the tuck shop money:
The budget made me really mad,
A granny tax is very sad.
Tax rises on OAPs,
Tax cuts 4 the VIPs
Gideon, Gideon , Ding Dong (repeat)
37p on fags
The baronetcy’s in the bag
We’ll all get a breakdown pretty soon
Imagine! A Gideon in every room
I said
Gideon, Gideon , Ding Dong (repeat)
It’s a face you have to smack
Give him a quid, he’ll take ten back
Who put this clown in charge of money?
That Robbin Cunt, Dave Cameron honey!
Gideon, Gideon , Ding Dong (repeat)
from the album This Is Rubbish by The Dish-Faced Camerons
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