Fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
Off you fuck
You whinging Jocks
We’ve had enough
of your socialist paradise
Engerlund is twice as nice
So fuck off Scotland
Off you fuck
Fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
Off you fuck
Your Mickey Mouse court was the last straw
The last straw
With our love light shining
You just kept on whining
So fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
Oh remember when we said, ‘Scotland we love you’
We’re better together
Well now we don’t like the things that you do
So fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
And take your Jimmy Shand records with you
Good luck
And your blessed Stornoway black pudding
Washed down with bagpipe effluent
So fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
Have you forgotten how dependent you are on our generosity
How we’ve selflessly funded you uncomplainingly
So fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
Off you fuck
If we want to ruin our country
Then we will, so tough
It’s none of your business
How we fuck ourselves, so kiss this
And fuck off Scotland, off you fuck
with thanks to Les Mackay (no relation) of Dundee
The whole game-plan is to fragment the United Kingdom, and turn it into a bunch of powerless regions (within the EU). It was all to end the UK’s veto, and in time, all nations/REGIONS will return to the fold (the EU).
As an ex-repatriate- I say this: Fight amongst yourselves, you will all lose. Blinded by patriotism… enjoy your coming servitude. / -:
I remember a Great Britain… now it’s a bag of shite, now just a 3rd world dumping-ground. Sad to see, but glad I’m no longer there. Get out now, whilst you still can is my advice!